What is JavaScript and how to enable?

What is JavaScript? If you have used Browsers for Internet Browsing then you must have definitely seen the option of Enable Javascript. Then it must have come to your mind that what is JavaScript and why it is necessary to enable it. By the way, to understand it in easy words, we can say that JavaScript is not a core programming language but it is a Scripting language. It is mainly used in Browsers and is only used with HTML or CSS. There are many characteristics of this that we will know in the article ahead.

Often people do not know the difference between JavaScript and Java and start thinking both of them the same. Well it does not happen at all. These two languauge are completely different. So today I thought that why should not people give you complete information about using Javascript information and its advantages? Then without delay, let's start and know about JavaScript in Hindi.

JavaScript is a very commonly used client side scripting language. Or we can say it is used in all major web browsers. It has the largest library ecosystem of any programming language. Since it is a scripting language, its code can also be written in an HTML page. So when a user requests HTML page, in which a JavaScript is present, then this script is sent to the browser and it depends on the browser itself what it wants to do.

By the way, there is no relation of JavaScript with Java. JavaScript is called simply because of the use of Java in its name: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language (the world's most misunderstood language)

JavaScript Official Name is ECMAScript defined under Standard ECMA-262.

What are JavaScript's frameworks?
The frameworks that are used most often are React JS, Angular JS, Create JS, jQuery, nodeJS etc.


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